Entrepreneurship, business, poor & vulnerable youth, youth empowerment, coaching, mentoring


Financial Literacy 

Work Readiness 

USAID JAPRI (Jadi Pengusaha Mandiri or Become an Independent Entrepreneur) is a program to equip poor and vulnerable (P&V) youth aged 18-30 years old through entrepreneurship to increase the creation of self-employment. Entrepreneurship provides an important avenue for youth to improve livelihood, create economic opportunites for themselves and others in their communitirs. JAPRI works with local governments, community groups, and universities to identify potential youth entrepreneurs, and provide support for youths.

Through this program, the beneficiaries will follow several activities, ie. entrepreneurship training and workshop; self-leadership training; business inauguration and seed funding; business coaching and mentoring; business achievement appreciation and exhibition.

USAID JAPRI is funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the Institute of International Education (IIE), Prestasi Junior Indonesia (PJI), and Mien R. Uno Foundation (MRUF).