“Not only selling a product, business must also be managed comprehensively to grow and succeed.”
Starting from having a passion in running a business since high school, lead Dzaky Muhammad Abdullah Rahim and Naufal Muhammad Abdullah Rahim to set up a professional business to reach large number of consumers. This is what Dzaky and Naufal have achieved, two talented young people from Bandung, who are running a culinary business called Burgerchill. Although it was initiated in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, this twin brothers optimistically began their business operation utilizing the knowledge and experience of managing How SC, a student company from SMAN 10 Bandung.
Dzaky and Naufal started Burgerchill’s operation in June 2020 from their kitchen at home. Orders are received via WhatsApp messaging and then delivered to buyers using online motorcycle taxi services. All promotions were intensified through posting on various social media platforms. Because of their intensive effort and smart work, they managed to open two offline stores recently so that consumers, who are mostly young people, can enjoy dine-in service while chilling with friends. In spite of the fact that their stores are still in the Bandung area, the popularity of Burgerchill has been widely known to the public outside Bandung. Some people even ask them to open their branch in additional locations. This is possible in the future as they are able to maximize social media usage, such as Instagram and Tiktok. These platforms broaden promotion and strengthen brand identity by creating insightful, positive, and engaging content.
Prior to running their new business, Dzaky and Naufal had their own individual businesses. However, these businesses had not developed well as they were just focused on profit and not sustainability. They left out the crucial elements in business, such as brand development, marketing strategy, and financial management. Their experience in participating in the Student Company Program gave them both knowledge and awareness that business is not just about buying and selling goods. Business is a venture which involves many aspects with a clear structure and management. One person cannot run a business without the help of others.
Engagement in the Student Company did not only provide business knowledge for Dzaky and Naufal. They also had the opportunity to improve their personal skills which they believe was of significant value. Dzaky, who was President Director of the Student Company, admitted that he learned so much about leadership. He believes that a leader must be able to lead himself before he leads other people. In addition, a leader must be able to align his opinion to his team so that he is in the best position to decide the right decision which will have a positive impact on the business overall. In addition, Naufal mentioned that the Student Company helped him so much to develop his creativity.
After receiving tens of millions of Rupiahs each month in revenue, Dzaky and Naufal are looking forward to expanding their business and reaching a wider group of consumers. They have already developed a well-thought-out business plan to ensure long-term sustainability. In the near future, especially this year, they will open up to five branches in Bandung and also expand to other cities in West Java. In 2022, they have a vision to offer a franchise system, so that in the next five years, Indonesian society can enjoy Burgerchill in their respective areas. Having the knowledge and strong commitment, they believe that Burgerchill will grow rapidly.