Hewlett Packard Volunteers Provide Students with a Global Perspective

Apr 22, 2015 – Students attending Government elementary school 3 in Manggarai, Central Jakarta, spent a whole day with 17 business volunteers from Hewlett Packard on April 15′ The volunteers were trained by PJI in delivering the JA Our Nation program to the students prior to engagement’ The enthusiastic group from HP participated in the exciting learning activities with the students which involved games, problem solving, and reporting’ The Principal of the school stated that this was the very first time the involvement of volunteers from the business world has occurred at the school’ Consequently she was very pleased to host the business people and provided opportunities for teachers to learn from her’ Some ninety fourth and fifth graders were divided up into groups and each group consisted of at least two HP volunteers’ During the day the students learnt from the JA materials and these learning tools were provided to the school for future engagement.

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