May 12, 2015 – 1. Introduction
The HSBC Business Case Competition and Business Seminar 2015 were conducted over two days as a collaborative effort between Prestasi Junior Indonesia (PJI) and the team from Corporate Sustainability HSBC Jakarta office. The initiative also included the mobilization of support of the JA Student Company from Binus International University – known as the Binus International Trading Company (BITE). On Saturday 11 April and Monday 13 April the Business Case Competition was conducted involving undergraduate students from the eight best universities and business schools in Indonesia. In addition to the competition HSBC and PJI mobilized three inspiring business people to speak at a seminar involving 250 students from universities located in the greater Jakarta area. Directly following the seminar four students from each of the eight universities began a quarantine period preparing for their presentation in front of teams of international business people and academics. These judges assessed each performance and selected the top three teams to go on to the final round which was conducted during the afternoon and evening of Monday 13 April. Again, at this time, a team of international business professionals judged the teams and selected the winners to travel to Hong Kong to participate in the HSBC Asia Pacific Business Case Competition 2015 during the first week of June.
A total of 322 students were impacted positively through involvement in both the Business Seminar and Business Case competitions. In addition to student engagement fifteen high powered judges assessed performance and three business people were speakers at the Seminar. This engagement took place over one and a half days.
The competition and seminar enabled HSBC, PJI, and students from Binus International University to engage resources and work together to stage a successful event. This partnership proved to be a most important component for the initiatives success and provided the BITE Company with valuable business experience.
2. Partnerships
A collaboration took place between three partners each coordinating their own resources and network to stage the event.
a. PJI has collaborated with HSBC and its corporate volunteers for more than six years involving the implementation of JA More Than Money which, in 2014/15, engages more than 3000 students from middle schools throughout cities in Indonesia. The 2015 Business Case competition provided the opportunity to expand this collaboration to include students studying at undergraduate level in Jakarta, and Bandung, Universities. PJI was able to coordinate students from Binus and provide a team of high level judges and several seminar speakers for engagement.
b. HSBC provided direction and guidance for both PJI and the BITE student company using knowledge and experience from previous events. The corporation mobilized resources, including a seminar speaker and judges. Funding provided by HSBC enabled the organization team to rent facilities at a prestigious business club for the final round and also ensured resources were available to maintain a high level of professionalism throughout the event.
c. PJI has worked with students from Binus International campus since 2002 in the promotion of entrepreneurial education activities. This is done by setting up a micro-enterprise using the Junior Achievement model whereby students work together and experience business first hand. The Binus campus has a reputation of being one of the best institutions of its kind in Indonesia and, in 2015, we commissioned the students from the JA Company to assist us in organizing the event. This enabled the use of Binus campus facilities for the competition and mobilization of students for both the seminar and competition. The company members were therefore able to utilize their network to engage students from other campuses. The event itself was supported by several divisions including competition, design, event, media & partners, liaison, property, transportation, registration, security, medic, and food & beverages. Each of the divisions was handled by a person and supervised by the main committee which consists of the project leader, vice project leader and secretary
3. Business Case Seminar
Utilizing the BITE network some 250 university students were mobilized to attend the Business Case seminar held on Saturday morning. The event was held using the theme ‘Embrace Your Potential’ and was staged in a movie theatre (prior to its daily commercial activities) beginning at 9:40am and ending at 11:45am. The large screen in the movie theatre provided speakers with an impressive tool to show videos and presentations to the audience. Three guest speakers were provided with between 20 and 35 minutes to address the audience and reply to comments and questions. The three guest speakers were;
a. Mr. Ali Setiawan – Managing Director, Head of Global Markets HSBC Indonesia (below).
b. Mr. Goris Mustaqim – Entrepreneur and Founder of ASGAR Muda (below);
c. Ms. Shinta Dhanuwardoyo – Founder and CEO of (below);
The seminar was divided into 3 delivery topics beginning with an address by an HSBC banking professional, Mr. Ali Setiawan followed by a social entrepreneur, Mr. Goris Mustaqim, and culminating in a motivational speech from a well-known techpreneur, Ms. Shinta Dharnuwardoyo. This assembly of speakers proved to be a great combination and of much interest to students. The registrations numbers were close to 300 but on the day approximately 250 attended. Although a limited time was allocated for this event the student’s positive reaction to the presentations, and their many questions, meant that the seminar exceeded this limit.
4. Business Case Competition
Using the BITE students networking skills the contestants for the competition represented eight Universities including previous champions, the University of Indonesia. The list of teams, and their members registered for the event is provided below;
Team Name : The Lightning Bolt
1. University : University of Indonesia
2. Coach : Rahmat Aryo Baskoro., SE., CFP MM.
3. Captain : Sevrina Nurul Novitasari
4. Member :
1. Arya Wedha Rieantiari
2. Ika Agustini
3. I Gede Prema Dipta Adi Sanjaya
Team Name : Maranatha Moguls
1. University : Maranatha Christian University
2. Coach : Niko Ibrahim, S.Kom., MIT.
3. Captain : Theo Riandy
4. Member :
1. Reagen N. Ciayadi
2. Mona Parlinggoman Siregar
3. Mochammad Layala Kamaditya
Team Name : Conspirito
1. University : Prasetya Mulya School of Business and Economics
2. Coach : Aulia Nurul Huda
3. Captain : Hagi Yufantra
4. Member :
1. Alfian Renata
2. Dina Nugraha
3. Yuda Nugroho
Team Name : Vanquisher
1. University : Trisakti School of Management
2. Coach : Klemens Wedanaji Prasastyo, SE., MM
3. Captain : Jhoni
4. Member :
1. Johan Swandhi
2. Bram Sunardi
3. Elyna Noviya
Team Name : Luminous Team
1. University : Universitas Pelita Harapan
2. Coach : Ritha Nainggolan
3. Captain : Nerissa Pamela
4. Member :
1. Thelma Aruana Kisela
2. Wren Hernando
3. Johanna Josodipuro
Team Name : Canis Major Consulting
1. University : Bina Nusantara University
2. Coach : Fredy Jingga
3. Captain : Selvi Nelin
4. Member :
1. Carissa Geneviene Gunawan
2. Wieda Daesy Prameswari
3. Bayu Putra Barly
Team Name : The Innovators
1. University : Institut Teknologi Bandung
2. Coach : Atik Aprianingsih
3. Captain : Selvi Nelin
4. Member :
1. Faris Prasojo
2. Barkah Muharam
3. Intania Amanada Larasaty
Team Name : MP3
1. University : Bina Nusantara International University
2. Coach : Win Ce
3. Captain : Melvin Wong
4. Member :
1. Maya Stephany Limin
2. Priti Samtani
3. Marvin Halim
a. Preliminary Round
The competition was divided into two rounds. The first, the preliminary round, involved four students from each of eight universities (above) and a group of nine judges representing major corporations and academic institutions both within Indonesia and outside the country. One of the dominate strengths of the 2015 Business Case Competition was definitely the involvement of an extremely high caliber of judges, as listed below, for the preliminary round. A testament to their commitment has been ongoing correspondence after the final round from almost all of the panel requesting further involvement coaching students in preparation for the Hong Kong final.
Judges – Saturday Preliminary Round | |||
Name | Business | Position | |
1 | Eric Mercer | Mercer | Head of Transformation and Organization Performance |
2 | Nazly Siregar | Deloitte | Partner tax |
3 | Yosphin E Dewi | Risco Energy | Chief Finance Officer |
4 | Peter Meyer | Governor | American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia |
5 | Fung Fuk Lestario | Rupawa | Chief Executive Officer and Founder |
6 | Cornelius Poelman | PwC | Partner |
7 | Suwandi | HSBC | SVP Commercial Banking |
8 | Delia Melissa | HSBC | SVP Trade Finance |
9 | Candra Chayadi | Eastern IllinoisUniversity | Associate Professor School of Finance |
The event was conducted using the facilities of Binus International University located in FX Mall. This enabled the BITE students to organize the undertaking within their campus and provided a cost effective alternative to renting additional facilities. A Liaison Officer Division was initiated by BITE to take responsibility for looking after participants and judges throughout the competition.
The business case files were provided to PJI by HSBC but were not to be opened by anyone at any time until the business case participants began review in their quarantine room, at the appointed time. Therefore each team would be viewing the business case for the first time. Each group of competitors spent 150 minutes in a quarantine classroom reviewing the business case and preparing for their presentations. All rooms had supplies of acetates/pens and flipcharts and these were the tools students used to plan and prepare visual materials for their thirty five minute presentation and dialogue with judges.
The team of international judges with students together with selected students
b. Final Round
The venue of the final round was the Mercantile Athletic Club located in the World Trade Centre Building, which is the same building in which HSBC is located. The three best teams selected by judges to participate in the final were;
University : UniversitasPelitaHarapan
University : Bina Nusantara University
University : Prasetya Mulya School of Business and Economics
On Monday afternoon the business cases were distributed to each of the three finalists according to their scheduled time. There were a few differences in preparation andimplementation of the final compared to the preliminary round. This included the presentationsof teams taking place in a small banquet room which allowed supporters, coaches, and even committee members to observe delivery and judging process. After each team presented and responded to questions, they were required to go back to their quarantine room and wait until all teams had completed their response. The judge’s deliberation took place in a separate room and, without too much debate, the first, second, and third places were determined.
Students beginning to review their case study
Again, the judging panel during the final was representative of high level business operations and academia as listed below.
No. | Name | Business | Position |
1 | Wempy Dyocta Koto | Wardour & Oxford | Country Director |
2 | Fung Fuk Lestario | Rupawa | CEO and Founder |
3 | Mike Woolf | Aetna Singapore | Business Development Manager |
4 | Quang Buy Huyn | HSBC | Head & Director of Commercial Banking |
5 | IldevonsoNetto | HSBC | Credit Risk Officer |
6 | CandraChayadi | Eastern Illionis University | Associate Professor School of Business |
Six judges representing four different countries were involved in assessing the winners during the final round.
The winning team represented Binus University and were selected by the judges for their lively presentation, analytical skills, structured delivery, and ability to think on their feet in response to questions from the judging team. The team received prize money of IDR25,000,000 and the chance to compete in Hong Kong against other Universities from the Asia Pacific region.
The second placed team from Prasetya Mulya School of Business and Economics displayed great improvement on their Saturday performance. The presentation was well executed but the team did have some issues addressing the questions put to them by the judges. The students understood weaknesses and where they could improve to ensure they are more competitive in the future. It was a great learning experience for them, one which provided IDR15,000,000 prize money.
Third place was achieved by the students from Pelita Harapan University. Their presentation skills were commendable – displaying confidence and mastery of English language. However feedback from the judges indicated that the students failed to address the key issues within the business case. The response to questions was also found lacking. However the four students secured a prize of IDR10,000,000 and a great experience.
The winning team from Bina Nusantara University together with judges and HSBC personnel
A successful event was staged by HSBC, PJI, and the BITE student company members. Feedback from judges and seminar speakers was extremely positive regarding event organization. A lot of the kudos for this success must go to the many students from the Bina Nusantara Student Company. Despite their involvement being a learning experience they exhibited exceptional organizational skills throughout. The team from PJI and HSBC are confident that the judges selected the best students from the group of eight universities competing. The selection of speakers for the seminar was excellent and their speeches kept students interested throughout. PJI and HSBC are also extremely to judges for giving up their time and contributing to the events success.