Apr 25, 2016 – Thursday 21 April was a day of celebration and learning for 100 female students from State Vocational High Schools 38 and 8 Jakarta and Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah as they were introduced to Digigirlz. The busy day was divided into two sessions. During the morning students visited the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection and, as a group together with Microsoft, they celebrated the positive roles of females in society and emphasized potentials to achieve success. The students were inspired by the Minister, Prof. Dr. Yohana Susana Yembise, Ibu Mira Fitria Soetjipto, Human Resources Director Microsoft Indonesia and Natalia Soebagjo representing the Prestasi Junior Indonesia National Board. After lunch all participants were transported to the Microsoft Jakarta offices and, specifically, their training facilities. During this time, and as an integral component of the Digigirlz experience, the students were introduced to leading corporate personal and listened to an inspiring address provided by Mr. Andreas Diantoro, the President Director of Microsoft Indonesia. The afternoon’s focus was, however, on engaging the students in coding activities including Minecraft and Frozen. With the assistance of Microsoft personnel all students were provided with an opportunity to participate in an hour of coding. The objective was to ensure that these young women appreciated that STEM centred vocations and, in particular, Computer Science are attainable goals for them in the future. For most of the students the experience was an introduction to computer science and all became intensely focused on the activities of coding.