An Innovative Approach Brought to Students by Citibank Indonesia

Jan 27, 2017 – The new year sees the beginning of the Citibank supported Junior Achievement and Agent Penny digital initiatives in selected schools in the Greater Jakarta area, Bandung and Surabaya. The first of these, known as the ‘Integrated Approach of Digital Financial Literacy Education for Children’ began at Pembangunan Jaya in January 2017. As the name suggest this is an intervention, within classrooms, to promote a better understanding of money using Junior Achievement Worldwide and Agent Penny strategies and resources and is encompassed within a blended learning theme. Students are provided with a practical learning experience, enhanced by digital tools, to promote key concepts of financial literacy as supported by CitiPeka and Prestasi Junior staff.

The response, from the students, was extremely enthusiastic as they participated in activities which required decision making combined with an element of competitiveness. The programs were extremely impactful and each student received take home materials including the Agent Penny storybook to ensure their families can also benefit from this innovative education strategy.

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