Another Great Job Shadow Day at Bank Permata

May 11, 2017 – Students from Bina Informatika High School Bintaro, State Vocational School 27 Jakarta, and Pharmacy Vocational School Jakarta visited the Bank Permata facilities on Thursday 27 May to learn from the professionals. Students, representing their very own school based micro-enterprises, gave a presentation of their business to Mr Julian Fong (VP Bank Permata), Mr Suharno (Jakarta Provincial Head of Vocational Schools), and Mr Pribadi Setiyanto (PJI Board Member and Head of Student Affairs, FEUI). Each student was then provided with an opportunity to meet with mentors from the world of business and learn how to improve their business operations.

This is a truly remarkable commitment by Bank Permata volunteers, including senior administration. Collectively, many hours were dedicated in support of improving the knowledge and self-confidence of these students. The mid-term objective is to support the strengthening of their student run micro-enterprises to ensure competitiveness at a regional and national level. In the long term, both Prestasi Junior and Bank Permata will be proud to know that these beneficiaries have become successful business people utilizing the business skills, knowledge and attitudes acquired throughout the process of operating micro-enterprises and participating in Job Shadow experiences.

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