May 20, 2018 – Prestasi Junior Indonesia (PJI) and PT AIG Insurance Indonesia (AIG Indonesia) have implemented the ‘JA Student Company’ program at three vocational high schools in Jakarta and South Tangerang. This program is conducted to increase the awareness of entrepreneurship potential of Indonesia’s young generation and has embedded within its delivery components of financial literacy. For eight months, a group of 10th graders will be trained to become real entrepreneurs by running a micro-entreprise out of their own school. These students will also receive intensive business mentoring from PJI personnel and AIG Indonesia volunteers.
The three vocational high schools that currently participate in this entrepreneurship program are SMKN 6 Jakarta, SMKN 27 Jakarta, and SMK Bina Informatika Tangerang Selatan. In each school, twenty students were selected to form five divisions, namely Production, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, and Public Relations. They are guided to create a business plan that includes product ideas, target consumer, and strategies for operating their business.
Management Advisor of Prestasi Junior Indonesia, Robert Gardiner said that, “We need to stimulate the entrepreneurial skill of young people whilst they are young and still in school. Vocational school students who have obtained a comprehensive education should be encouraged to create a business using their skills. The Student Company program provides hands-on learning of the fundamentals of business. AIG Indonesia and PJI are committed to encourage the young generation of Indonesia to realize their business potential.”
President Director of PT AIG Insurance Indonesia, Robert Logie said that, “AIG Indonesia has worked together with PJI since 2015. This year, we support the JA Student Company program because it has various elements related to financial literacy and entrepreneurship. The program continuously improve students potential and inspire the community.”
“This year, more than 130 hours contributed by our employees has directly involved volunteering activities that have taken place in the three vocational schools during April. The volunteers revealed that they felt positive energy and a very inspiring experience from the students,” added Robert Logie.
The three vocational schools have established a student company that was launched in early May 2018, namely:
SMKN 6 Jakarta established Sokind Student Company that create ‘BB Polish’, an innovative natural shoe polish based on utilizing a core component – banana peel.
SMKN 27 Jakarta established Aiden Student Company. They produce new trendy clothes through recycling old material.
SMK Bina Informatika established Aeron Student Company that produce ‘Legends of Runner’ game card. This game card is specially designed to provide more information about Indonesia tourism to teenagers, especially 10 ‘Bali Baru’ tourist destinations in line with the Wonderful Indonesia program.
The partnership of Prestasi Junior Indonesia and AIG Indonesia has now entered the fourth year with a commitment to support work readiness and financial literacy education for the young generation of Indonesia. The students benefitting from this engagement are very enthusiast to run their companies and gain invaluable business experience. Thank you AIG.