Dec 13, 2018 – Following the success of the USAID JAPRI initiative in Trenggalek over the last 18 months the government of Kabupaten Blitar is supporting the implementation of a similar initiative within the Regency. The team from Prestasi Junior have recently trained 300 young entrepreneur candidates and will select 45 of these to participate in a comprehensive business development program over a period of up to 18 months. The objective is to build small businesses currently operating within the region and help those start-ups which are just in their very formative stages. In doing so, these businesses will grow and add tremendous value to the local economy. The candidates have displayed fantastic enthusiasm over a period of 12 days of training and are responding exceptionally well to this opportunity. Prestasi Junior and its team of judges will select those candidates with potential and begin processes of coaching, mentoring and supporting a range of diverse businesses (i.e. Bonsai trees, kitchen ware, egg production etc.). We look forward to replicating the success of our Trenggalek beneficiaries in the Blitar Regency with the support of USAID and local government.