Young Entrepreneurs of Jayapura Succeed in Developing Their Businesses

Feb 19, 2020 – To mark the completion of the first phase of the Youth Entrepreneurship Education Program, Prestasi Junior Indonesia and Prudential Indonesia held the Appreciation of Business Achievement event in the Hall of Jayapura Mayor’s Office, on 19 February 2020. After being coached and mentored intensively, 33 young entrepreneurs succeeded in completing the entire series of training engagement and established their own successful business enterprise. This success was responsible for a total turnover of 33 business individual business operations to the value of Rp1.28 billion during 9 months of operation. One of the participants was even able to reach a 3,890% increase in business turnover. Some 23 participants empowered their communities with the number of employees increasing by 46%. 87.8% of participants admit that they are now more aware of the importance of financial management and have the ability to undertaken monthly financial reporting. Because of the involvement in the Youth Entrepreneurship Education Program, 33 young people have the opportunity to achieve a better economic well-being for themselves, their families and the communities.

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