HP JA Titan Indonesia Finds a Winner

Aug 6, 2020 – A first! Prestasi Junior Indonesia has been working together with HP Indonesia over the last month to run an HP JA Titan Challenge and utilizing the Colorado server. Over a period of 4 weeks some 35 HP volunteers supported student engagement from 8 cities using Zoom and break-out rooms. We mobilized 83 teams from 44 teams for the first ever undertaking in a series of rounds to select the best participants for a final competition on the 6th August. With the support of HP volunteers 6 teams representing the locations of Jakarta, Batam, Bandung, and Surabaya competed in the final for a total prize money of IDR5,000,000. The three winning teams were:

First Place: Putri Mayang Lay from SMK Kartini Batam
Second Place: Falah Devara Hernanda from SMAN 16 Surabaya
Third Place: Eka Yulia Ananda from SMKN 4 Batam

Congratulations to all of the teams participating in this competition. Thank you HP Indonesia for supporting an innovative series of online learning experiences in support of improving high school student understanding of many important attributes for success in the world of work beyond school –  data analysis, decision-making, forecasting, time management, and the drive to achieve success. We look forward to continued collaboration with the HP team.

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