Oct 31, 2021 – The student company members at State High School 34 Jakarta met with Bapak Teten Masduki, the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, on Sunday the 31 October 2021. The enthusiastic company members were introduced to the Minister by Ibu Mira from Marsh Indonesia and the Company President Safira provided him with products and an overview of their company operation. The Minister’s response was extremely positive as he was most pleased to be informed of MMC’s and PJI’s investment in the future entrepreneurial potentials of young Indonesians. The members of Qreate Student Company are well supported by parents and their teacher as they go about their business of designing, producing, marketing, and selling a series of innovative STEAM education products. In addition to selling 42 units at the Sunday event, MMC also purchased products and donated these to a Child Cancer Foundation. This is the first year that students from SMAN 34 have been involved in the company program and they have certainly embraced the opportunity to learn about business by running their own company with great enthusiasm.