High Quality Student Company Initiatives Supported by Combiphar & OBH Combi

Jan 28, 2023 – The 2022 support of ten student company operations (Semarang, Sleman, Surakarta, Bandung Barat, Bandung, and Jakarta) reached its culmination on Saturday 28 January. A team of committed judges were assigned the difficult task of selecting the best performers and, especially, the two best teams which advance to the national competitions in 2023. Proudly supported by OBH Combi and PT Combiphar over a period of almost six months, these student run businesses all posted successful business operations. At the same time, they were engaged in the hands-on practice of establishing and operating a business, overcoming the many challenges they faced, and building knowledge, skills and self-confidence. The jury panel certainly had a difficult task of selecting the winners this year – it is fair to say that the quality of these student led business operations continues to advance each year and the 2022 operations were of a high standard. After deliberation the following teams and individuals won success;

1. Best VP PR Semarang, Sleman, Surakarta: Amalthea SC, SMAN 3 Surakarta
2. Best VP PR Jakarta, Depok, Bandung: Kriya Miguna SC, SMAIT Nurul Fikri Depok
3. Best VP HRD Semarang, Sleman, Surakarta: Amalthea SC, SMAN 3 Surakarta
4. Best VP HRD Jakarta, Depok, Bandung: Kriya Miguna SC, SMAIT Nurul Fikri Depok
5. Best VP Finance Semarang, Sleman, Surakarta: Aruna SC, SMAN 3 Semarang
6. Best VP Finance Jakarta, Depok, Bandung: SMANCIS 8 SC, SMAN 1 Cisarua
7. Best VP Marketing Semarang, Sleman, Surakarta: Elisien SC, SMAN 1 Sleman
8. Best VP Marketing Jakarta, Depok, Bandung: Sievasco SC, SMAN 81 Jakarta
9. Best VP Production Semarang, Sleman, Surakarta: Elisien SC, SMAN 1 Sleman
10. Best VP Production Jakarta, Depok, Bandung: Sievasco SC, SMAN 81 Jakarta
11. Best President Semarang, Sleman, Surakarta: Aruna SC, SMAN 3 Semarang
12. Best President Jakarta, Depok, Bandung: Sievasco SC, SMAN 81 Jakarta
13. Most Innovative Product Semarang, Sleman, Surakarta: Aruna, SMAN 3 Semarang
14. Most Innovative Product Jakarta, Depok, Bandung: Kriya Miguna SC, SMAIT Nurul Fikri Depok
15. Best Financial Management Semarang, Sleman, Surakarta: Aruna SC, SMAN3 Semarang
16. Best Financial management Jakarta, Depok, Bandung: Sievasco SC, SMAN 81 Jakarta
17. Best Student Company Semarang, Sleman, Surakarta: Aruna SC, SMAN 3 Semarang
18. Best Student Company Jakarta, Depok, Bandung: Sievasco SC, SMAN 81 Jakarta

Congratulations to all participants. You have excelled in this experience of operating a business out of each of the schools and both Combi Phar and PJI are proud to have had an opportunity to guide you throughout this process. Thank you judges, also, for your involvement and support of the future business leaders of Indonesia.

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