Mar 11, 2023 – On the 11th of March 2023 teams of high school students from Banten, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Bali, and Papua entered the final stages of the KU CERDIG Financial Literacy Campaign. In front of judges from both BNP Paribas and Citi Indonesia the teams presented information in support of realizing the safe practice of using digital technology. Each team was the required to respond to a series of questions from the five business professionals comprising the jury team. This project has been operating for a period of almost six months and this competition was an opportunity to showcase the best ten teams within the campaign. It was great to see a team from Papua involved and also from the small center of Krian in East Java. After a period of intensive deliberation, the judges selected the following winners:
1st Place: State High School 3 Semarang
2nd Place: State High School 1 Krian
3rd Place: State High School 71 Jakarta
On behalf of all the high school students who have benefitted by attaining an improved understanding of Digital Literacy, specifically safety, PJI would like to thank BNP Paribas Asset Management and Citi Indonesia. Support for implementation of this important undertaking not only matches the premise of the new Merdeka Curriculum in schools but also provides an important benchmark for students to achieve deeper understanding of cybersecurity in the future.