Design Thinking Workshop for Students

Jul 4, 2023 – Even though Indonesian students are enjoying their holiday time right now some 150 of them, from locations across Indonesia, have used their time to participate in the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Design Thinking Workshop. Working together with Samsung Indonesia, Prestasi Junior is mobilizing its network to implement an innovative education experience and competition which involves 40 teams representing high schools and input from business specialists and volunteers. This engagement focuses on the application of Design Thinking strategies to address challenges the students have identified and develop a feasible prototype which is applicable in addressing these challenges. The recent workshops involved break-out sessions which introduced Design Thinking (delivered by Emir Hartri Putra – Director of Ecosystems and Operations at the Impala Network) and the Application of Design Thinking (delivered by Bagus Berlian, Lead Product Manager at the Amartha Score) to student teams. Each student had an opportunity to learn from these experts and are now in a position to apply this knowledge to a case they have identified. Over the next several months student teams will develop a prototype using the Design Thinking methodology and present this idea to a team of business professionals. The best teams will be selected to participate in a final competitive session involving Samsung personnel and other business representatives.

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