Jan 7, 2024 – The positive energy from 158 teachers was palpable over the two-day Cha-Ching Financial Accreditation Conference held in Bogor on the 5th and 6th of January 2024. This was the first conference, post-COVID-19, organized in Indonesia to celebrate the Cha-Ching Curriculum’s success. Supported by the Prudence Foundation and Prudential Indonesia teachers from Sidoarjo, Blitar, Trenggalek, and Jakarta travelled to the Green Forest Hotel and learnt from four fantastic speakers: Roslina Verauli, Agus Fany Chandra Wijaya, Marsalia Primadonna, and Ligwina Hananto.
They also participated in a competition focusing on the Cha-Ching Curriculum’s key concepts of Earn, Spend, Save, and Donate which involved collaboration between representatives from each location within a team of up to five individuals. The teams then had to present their strategies to a very high-level jury panel including senior education authorities from each region – Dr. Tirto Adi (Sidoarjo), Asmaul Husnah (Jakarta), Ika Rahmanu (Trenggalek) and Dr. Adi Andaka (Blitar) together with representatives from the Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.
The culminating prize giving for the best teams in each category took place on Saturday evening. This event was combined with the award of the five best CCFA teachers, as determined by testing and commitment, by Indrijati Rahoyoe (Director Prudential Syariah Indonesia) and Dr. Sugiyanto, (Ahli Madya Direktorat SD, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Pendidikan Dasar, dan Pendidikan Menengah, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Republic of Indonesia). All participants were recognized for their commitment to achieving positive impact throughout the delivery of the Cha-Ching Curriculum program in schools in each province by the provision of CCFA Certification. We have no doubt that these teachers will continue to excel in the delivery of financial literacy programs in schools in years to come as, together, we work towards a goal of 1,000,000 student beneficiaries.