Prestasi Junior Indonesia Alumni Association Recognized at Global Level

Aug 22, 2024 – The Prestasi Junior Indonesia Alumni Association has, over the last 24 months, seen exceptional growth in numbers, enthusiasm, and impact. Within the country regional alumni groups have come together initiating networking, peer support, and capacity building using resources within the vast alumni population. This success has been recognized at the JA Emerge Global Alumni Awards held in Porto recently. Stevia Anlena Putri, a key driver of the PJI Alumni Association, won the Innovation Award. Her work in structuring the organization and ensuring ongoing momentum, almost from scratch, required new ideas – a challenge Stevia has addressed through the development and application of multiple innovative strategies. In addition, the whole Alumni Association were the recipients of the Global Citizen Award which is a significant recognition of the groups success in engaging alumni beyond borders given the sheer size of JA Worldwide. In several weeks the PJI Alumni Association will be staging an Asia Pacific Rise Summit in Bali and offering limited scholarships for attendance by alumni from Indonesia and the Asia Pacific Region. The vision is to strengthen the ‘citizenship’ of alumni through partnerships and collaboration.

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