AIG Volunteers Inspire Young Indonesians to be Proficient Managers of Money

Sep 25, 2017 – A class of fifth graders in each of three elementary schools in Central Jakarta had the opportunity to participate in an innovative financial education program known as JA More Than Money. This was organised by Prestasi Junior Indonesia (PJI) and supported by PT AIG Insurance Indonesia (AIG Indonesia) and hosted by SDN Karet 04, SDN Karet 05 and SDN Karet 06 on Tuesday August 22nd. The students learnt about money management and were introduced to the idea of risk mitigation. The program was implemented through the use of fun learning activities delivered by 26 enthusiastic AIG volunteers. A great opportunity for these business personnel to get out of the office and work with beneficiaries living within the communities in which AIG operates. The schools were located very close to AIG Jakarta offices.

This financial literacy and entrepreneurship education program has been localised from the Junior Achievement Worldwide More Than Money program. Students from the targeted schools were trained to better understand the role of money in their lives. The importance of saving was emphasised, as well as the need to be a savvy consumer when choosing products and spending money. In addition, they were also encouraged to identify their personal skills and connect them to possible business opportunities or employment in the future.

“Children experienced an exciting series of lessons delivered by 26 active AIG business professionals. They learnt about money management and were advised, in simple terms, how to be able to make the necessary links between where money comes from how it may be used. In supporting this initiative the AIG corporation contributed towards a greater understanding of finance and an improved literacy ” said Robert GardinerManagement Advisor Prestasi Junior Indonesia.

Statistical data indicates the index of financial literacy in Indonesia is a relatively low 29,66%. This figure indicates that just 29 out of 100 Indonesians possess a competent financial literacy knowledge. Therefore, the engagement of AIG and it’s corporate volunteers within classrooms was extremely important. In doing so the volunteers were investing their time to build a strong foundation knowledge of money matters and providing a better economic future for beneficiaries.

Mr Rob Logie, President Director and CEO PT AIG Insurance Indonesia, stated, “AIG Indonesia supports this financial literacy program because of the current low awareness of Indonesian society towards banking and financial management. We realize how important it is to raise the awareness from an early age through the education of children. We hope that our program can be a trigger enabling young Indonesians to be more concerned about savings and insurance, and to manage their money wisely.”

In this second year of program implementation, AIG Indonesia supports financial literacy initiatives in nine elementary school located in Jakarta and reaches almost 300 students. On the 22 August students from a total of three schools (SDN Karet 04, 05, dan 06)  received direct learning over a period of 4 hours from 26 AIG Indonesia business professionals within the classroom. Each room was very warm (no ac) yet  volunteers remained enthusiastic and very much involved in promoting improved understanding.

Meanwhile, the program in an additional six other schools has been delivered by teachers who have been trained by Prestasi Junior Indonesia. Resources for classroom sessions have been provided with the support of AIG.

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