Prestasi Junior and Prudential Look Forward to An Exciting Challenge

Aug 13, 2018 – Over the next three years the teams from Prudential Indonesia and Prestasi Junior Indonesia will be implementing a Community Investment program in Jayapura to support the propagation of small business enterprises amongst young Papuans. The initiative will apply the USAID funded entrepreneurship development program currently applied in Trenggalek (East Java) and incorporating modifications which specifically address potential challenges faced throughout implementation. The initiative was officially launched on Monday 13th August in Jakarta with the support of Prof. Dr. Bambang Brodjonegoro, Kepala BAPPENAS, who provided an outstanding presentation on the importance of improving the economy through the development of small businesses in the Papua Province. Both Prudential and Prestasi Junior are very pleased to note that our undertaking is closely aligned with policies stated by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and also the Sustainable Development Goals.

Prestasi Junior Indonesia considers this a challenge as we will be applying educational tools and strategies, which we know produce excellent results, to a new location in the nation. The unique cultural, economic, and social environments in eastern Papua will require that our team work affirmatively and ensure exceptional circumstances are addressed. We believe that the Junior Achievement programs have much to offer the poor and vulnerable in Jayapura and look forward to mobilizing initiatives in support of the development of up to one hundred small business units over three years.

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