Taking Anak Cerdas to the Streets

Nov 24, 2019 – Quite the amazing event took place on the streets of Denpasar, Bali, at the end of November. PJI provided the opportunity for children, together with their parents, to participate in the on-line Anak Cerdas Financial Literacy initiative. We set up 24 stations with three routers which enabled many mums and dads, together with their children to learn about the basics of money management during a Sunday morning car-free day. Assisting these enthusiastic participants were volunteers from the HSBC Denpasar branch. During the many hours in which the event was held we faced a problem. That is, so many parents and their children wanted to participate in the fun finlit experience that there was a considerable queue of potential ‘players’ throughout the day. Feedback was extremely encouraging and, together with HSBC, we will continue to hold these events in other locations across the nation. Our objective is to establish an improved understanding of finance through an engagement involving two generations of the same family – learning together and applying what they have learnt to everyday decision-making.

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