Cha-Ching Curriculum Continues to Grow Across Indonesia

Jan 14, 2023 – The 2022/2023 implementation of the Prudence Foundation and Prudential Indonesia supported Cha-Ching Curriculum is well underway and reception from educators in multiple locations across the country has been extremely positive. This is reflected in the exuberance exhibited by local education authorities and support for teacher training – the decision makers for policy at elementary schools in each kabupaten (county). None more so than in Lampung. Over a very busy Saturday in the East Sumatra City PJI welcomed Ibu Eka Afriana, S.Pd, M.Si., the Head of the Bandar Lampung Education Authority, to the podium. Her motivational speech boosted the interest and engagement of the 500 teachers attending over the two sessions. In fact, the hall was packed and a vacant seat could not be sighted! The teachers were able to acquire an acute understanding of the six-lesson sequence and the innovative strategy of utilizing a WhatsApp Chat Bot to access all materials for use within the classroom via their Smart Phones. The PJI team fielded multiple questions as to the possible audience for this innovative education strategy – many teachers saw opportunities for replication outside their regular routine of classroom pedagogy. The positive reception of this initiative is not unique to Lampung as both education authority and teacher support has been evident in every location in which Cha-Ching Curriculum has been mobilized, including disparate locations such as Jayapura, Trenggalek, and Wonosobo.

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