Girls Exploring STEM Culminates in Recognition of Success

Oct 21, 2023 – Over almost two years Prestasi Junior has collaborated with the Caterpillar Foundation to implement an innovative initiative involving 1,300 young women matriculating at 35 high schools on the island of Batam. The achievements of this undertaking, known as ‘Girls Exploring STEM’ or GExS, were celebrated at a Boot Camp conducted on Saturday 21 October involving 800 beneficiaries and their teachers. Teams of students presented their knowledge and exhibited products generated by their involvement in coding, computational thinking, AR, and VR education.  The occasion really was a celebration with massive energy generated by each of the student groups representing each local high school. A key objective of GExS was to create aspirations amongst young women to consider further education within the field of digital technology, adding value to the workforce, and ensuring employment and remuneration in ‘good work’. To help strengthen these aspirations the event provided opportunities for students to learn from young female experts representing various fields of technology. These volunteers included Ken Ratri Iswari, Founder and CEO of Geekhunter, Anne Regina Nancy Toar, Founder of Femalegeek, Lintang Gadis Ratu Rachellya, Manufacturing Engineer from PT Caterpillar Indonesia Batam, and Dina Novi Susanti, Senior Planning & Evaluation Analyst, Exploration Planning & Operation Team Pertamina EP. Together, the volunteers who have begun their own digital technology businesses or are working in engineering fields of established businesses (including Caterpillar) relayed inspirational information to students and responded to multiple questions from an attentive audience. In addition, students with exceptional ideas and commitment were recognized on the central stage together with their dedicated teachers. We believe that the support provided by the Caterpillar Foundation is a great investment in the future of Indonesia. Young women are now fully aware that they have the knowledge, skills, and ability to enter the field of digital technology upon departure from high school.

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